Technical Feature

Quality vs cost-effective: spot the difference

When it comes to paper, the average print client is not necessarily the most educated of purchaser. It’s a difficult market to get your head around, with so many options and brands that even some...

Souped-up offset delivers digi-beating performance

Conventional wisdom says that digital is the best way to go for short-run and quick-turnaround work.

Appy new year: print gadgets for your phone and tablet

Where are all the print apps? Since the launch of the Apple iPad just five years ago, tablet computers have seen a rapid take-up for both business and personal use. They’re now offered by all sorts of...

The art of repro in the digital world

What happened to repro? Around a decade or so ago most photographs were still taken on film and getting them into halftone print required high-quality scanners together with repro operators with the...

First mechanised press takes Times to the next level

We live in a high-tempo world that demands information in volume and delivered at speed. And to satisfy the public’s insatiable appetite for news, over the years manufacturers have developed newspaper...

Innovative printing techs to help keep consumers healthy

Horsemeat in our lasagnes and campylobacter bacteria on our chicken packaging: two of the higher-profile food scares to hit our headlines of late. Understandably given the stakes, grocery food...

Tailoring your business for on-trend clothing work

Digital technologies disrupt supply chains – including print – and establish new structures and new paradigms. However, there are some markets where the barriers to entry will not be demolished just...

Print holds out the promise of chips as cheap as chips

Question: what do solar panels, banknotes, cars and Monopoly all have in common? Answer: they all feature, or are expected to soon start featuring, printed electronics.

Crash positions: lifelines for when IT all goes wrong

The first sign of trouble is likely to be a subtle one. Perhaps a file is taking longer to load than usual, or maybe there is a strange whirring sound emanating from the server. Seemingly minor...

Make a real impact, put some poo in your paper

A client rings you up and asks whether you can offer them something different, a little twist that will make their latest marketing campaign stand out. You pause briefly, and then you reply: “How...