Technical Feature

Crash positions: lifelines for when IT all goes wrong

The first sign of trouble is likely to be a subtle one. Perhaps a file is taking longer to load than usual, or maybe there is a strange whirring sound emanating from the server. Seemingly minor...

Make a real impact, put some poo in your paper

A client rings you up and asks whether you can offer them something different, a little twist that will make their latest marketing campaign stand out. You pause briefly, and then you reply: “How...

High-speed digital targets corrugated

Often seen as the carton’s less profitable and glamorous relation, corrugated packaging can often be overlooked. And yet, while digital printing of conventional cartons seems to have stalled, this is...

Slim down RIPs to beef up efficiency

How times have changed. Just over a decade or so ago, most commercial printers relied on just a CTP for imaging and needed only one RIP, or a workflow with an embedded RIP, to drive it.

Is clickable print finally set to take off?

This year, the number of smartphone users around the world is expected to hit 1.75bn. Currently, 88% of smartphone users use their phones to research an online purchase. And mobile use now accounts...

Will latest UV techs lighten the load for commercial print?

If you believe the hype then new UV curing technology is, after dominating first Japan and latterly mainland Europe, about to revolutionise the UK sheetfed litho market.

Process upgrades to green up your print

As the old saying goes, small changes can make a big difference. One area this is particularly true for printers is the pressroom. Of course investing in a brand new super-duper eco-friendly press is...

Can ISO 15339 deliver on cross-process promise?

Colour is the lifeblood of any self-respecting printer. And so any opportunity to further assure all colour is exactly as it should be –particularly where the printer is dealing with highly sensitive...

Wide-format advances set big applications in motion

Here’s a question. Which is more likely to catch the passer-by’s eye: a static, albeit beautifully printed, image, or one where the models pictured are blowing animated kisses to the viewer?

Inkjet technology drives sectors other than just print

If ever a simple adjective could cause confusion in the world of print, it’s ‘industrial’. The term has been cropping up with increasing frequency of late in relation to wide-format machines, meaning...