Technical Feature

GEW’s headquarters and production facility in Crawley, West Sussex

Lighting the way

We’ve built up quite a library of Best of British stories now, but Crawley- based UV lamp maker GEW (EC) might just claim the title of ‘most British’ to date.

Making connections: assessing the UK’s MIS landscape

Management information systems or MIS, is a fairly loose and fluid group of computerised financial, production and sales support tools.

Linotype factory in 1898.

Best of British: A Christmas compendium

Grace’s Guide is an online, free-access treasure trove of British industrial history.

New cures for rocketing energy costs

Rocketing global energy prices are throwing up changes of behaviour across most domestic and industrial activities, with printing being no exception.

Nailing down the kilowatts 

Wrap up and prepare, there’s no doubt we’re all facing a hard winter, with industry hit as much as households by the rocketing price of gas, electricity and vehicle fuels. While the government...

Colour confusion

Adobe’s decision to drop Pantone colour books has caused concern among users. So what does it mean for printers and what other options are there?

Keep the uptimes rolling

When it comes to machinery maintenance, it’s advisable to have a service plan in place to keep the wheels well oiled and costs down

Best of British... The Cambridge patent factory that never stops

Xaar plans to extend range of products to access all digital print markets

Serif Affinity Publisher: competes with InDesign

Design for print: stalled potential?

Today’s design and layout programs are really good. So good in fact, that there’s not a lot that could make them better. And that is a problem for their developers and also for their users.

Shoppable print 

Print, despite its authoritative tactile quality, has always been an inherently static experience, lacking the interactivity of digital media where you can click on a link, to find more information or...