Direct mail

Mail continues to be an effective store footfall driver

Mail effectiveness reaches highest point in a year

JICMail, the joint industry currency for ad mail, has released its data for Q2 2023, which revealed that despite another challenging quarter for UK advertisers, the effectiveness of the mail channel...

Investigators from Royal Mail found discrepancies that exposed the fraud

Firms admit £70m postal fraud

The trial involving a £70m fraud against Royal Mail has come to an abrupt end after a dramatic change of plea.

Data protection: All change again

The UK’s data protection regime that came about following the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the subsequent new Data Protection Act (DPA), is around five years old...

Kern is working on a solution for future distribution of its products in the UK

Kern Group confirms closure of UK wing

Kern Group has confirmed that its UK wing has been shuttered and will be liquidated.

Forster: privilege to be working on this landmark project

FDM secures £2m election deal

FDM has secured the contract to produce up to 18m ballot papers for the 2024 London Mayor and Assembly elections.

Kern AG pledged to provide support through alternative measures, for a period

Kern trading status unclear

The trading status of Kern’s mailing and packing machinery business in the UK is currently unclear, with calls and messages to the company going unanswered.

Cinema advertising growth is predicted to jump 21% in 2023. Credit: Warner Bros Discovery

Advertising spend flatlines in Q1 2023

A plateau in advertising spend in the UK has seen the industry’s income take a real-terms fall in the first quarter of 2023.

Peter Clitheroe started at FDM late last month

FDM expands senior team again

Print and mailing company FDM has followed its appointment last month of a new managing director by taking on a new elections project manager.

Greener Mail promises instant environmental impact

The Flow Group unveils new green mail brand

West Yorkshire mailing house and print marketing company The Flow Group has launched a new brand to help businesses who want to make their marketing environmentally friendly with instant impact.

CWU will put forward solutions to turn around Royal Mail's fortunes

CWU reacts to IDS board revamp

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) has given a cautious welcome to the new boss at IDS, but has also warned that senior management at Royal Mail “cannot shake off their union busting mentality”...